Our Motivation
Based on our 2015 survey on the working conditions for toxicologic pathologists in Europe, 60% of the respondents are going to retire within the next 15 years, 40% already within the next 10 years. This implies a significant number of open positions over the next 2 decades. The overall number of forecasted positions for toxicologic pathologists in the next 5 years is above 80 (16 per year).
We experienced that a significant number of students and trainees is either not aware of the job opportunities available or have only abstract ideas of the job description of a toxicologic pathologist.
You are
- Looking for new employees and know that difficulties in filling open positions are evident
- Aware that it is a great chance to find a candidate by offering job shadowing, internships and informal meetings
- Open to give young students, trainees and pathologists a chance to meet you and learn about your company and the job opportunities you offer
Our Goal
- To bring both parties together
- YOU, the employers, looking for young and motivated personnel to complete your team
- The next generation toxicologic pathologist - students, trainees and young pathologists - that are curious and motivated to learn about the plethora of working areas and job opportunities that you offer in the pharmaceutical and chemical industry and CRO's.
What We Offer
- We are in touch: we give informative presentations and informal "get-togethers" at relevant meetings (ECVP summer school, ESVP /ECVP annual meeting, STP meetings) about job opportunities in the pharmaceutical and chemical industry and CRO's
- We generate awareness: our new page "Next Generation Toxicologic Pathologist" is THE information platform for students and trainees, that is also linked to the ECVP and other sister societies
- A personal contact for both parties: the Councillor for Residents and Early Career Pathologists will help you to find a potential candidate for a job shadowing, internship, or permanent position
- The Councillor for Residents and Early Career Pathologists is looking forward to supporting you.
CRO: Contract research organization
ECVP: European College of Veterinary Pathologists
ESVP: European Society of Veterinary Pathologists
STP: Society of Toxicologic Pathology