Technical information about this Web site |
The following requirements should be met in order to use this Web site successfully:
- Use at least a version 4 (or higher) browser, which supports Style Sheets
- Enable JavaScript in your browser
- Allow the use of "Cookies" (a cookie is a piece of information, stored on your local hard disk)
- If you are using a "pop-up blocker", please make sure that pop-ups are allowed for this Web site: external links and the contact form (used to send messages to the ESTP) require this feature!
- Set your screen resolution to at least 800 x 600 pixels, 1024 x 768 pixels (or higher), however, is recommended.
- The color palette should be set to "64k colors" (or better) in order to view the histological images in good quality
Unfortunately, different browsers display the same information sometimes in a slightly different way, although so-called "standards" exist. We have tried to optimize our Web site so that the visual appearance is comparable in at least the commonly used browsers. Extensive tests have been performed with Microsoft Internet Explorer (versions 5.0x, 5.5x and 6.0x), Netscape Navigator (versions 4.6, 4.7 and 6.2), Opera (versions 5.x and 6.0x), and Mozilla Firefox (versions 1.0x, 2.x and 3.x) all on a Windows platform. Best results have been obtained with all tested versions of the Microsoft Internet Explorer and with the Mozilla Firefox browser.
Please note: In the past, we had set up a number of specific e-mail addresses to contact certain groups of the ESTP directly. Due to enormous Spam attacks, the former e-mail addresses are no longer in use! Please use always the "ESTP contact form".
If you encounter any severe problems, please contact the
ESTP Webmaster.
This Web site has been developed and is maintained by the working group Databases and Information Systems of Fraunhofer ITEM, Hannover, Germany