European Society of Toxicologic Pathology (ESTP)
    European Society of Toxicologic Pathology
Guess What!
Suggestions/Rules for submitting a case

If you have a case which you consider to be suitable to be presented in our section "Guess What! – The diagnostic case of the ESTP" please do the following:

  • Describe your case by providing the following information: species, strain, (breeder), location/organ, type of study, treatment, sex, age of the animal, any macroscopic and/or clinical observations.

  • Give us your opinion about the proposed diagnosis.

  • Send us images (in good high-resolution quality!) of your case to be posted on the Web site.

  • In addition, images of immunohistochemical stains are welcome, especially if they support a specific diagnosis. They can be delivered during the phase when the case is posted and open for discussion.

  • Before the solution of your case is posted, the Guess What Teams will contact you and will forward a summary about the delivered diagnoses. The writing of the final discussion of the case and its differential diagnoses can be supported by the Guess What Team if you like.

  • Let us know, whether you want to be mentioned as the provider of the case (optional) or if you prefer to be anonymously.

Please submit all information via the contact form on this Web site.